Monday, September 05, 2005

Back in the hospital for now - Continued

The doctor came back this afternoon to retest the fluid. Once again it was at 5.5cc which is what it was yesterday. A night of IV and fluids has not brought it up substantially. Jenn will be in the hospital tonight and will be evaluated again tomorrow. In addition to the fluid being low in the measurements it is visibly low when they are looking for pockets of fluid to measure.

Tomorrow we will have two significant tests. First, we will have the ultrasound to see if the regiment of fluids and IV are working. In addition to that we will have the echocardiogram if the doctors are able to come over from the other part of the hospital. We were told today that we would not be able to travel over there for the test. It will be disappointing not to be able to find out how her heart is doing since it has been a month since the last test. We have another one scheduled next week as a backup.

We appreciate your love and prayers very much. Please feel free to send words of encouragement as well. Jenn and I both appreciate them very much. Things are not always easy but God is always good. We know that His hand is in this situation and is on our lives as well as on Grace's life. We don't know why we are going through this or what He has in store but we know that ultimately it will redound to his glory.

Soli Deo Gloria


Ben said...

Still praying here. ;) Seriously though, my heart goes out to y'all. I pray Jen and Grace remain healthy.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you know, but many people at Lombard Bible are keeping you all in prayer.

Love you.

Kyle Bjerga said...

Dave, I sent you an e-mail accidentally instead of posting, so you will be receiving an e-mail from me. But, i am praying for you guys and trust God will work in this situation and will receive all the glory. I actually just set up my own blog.

Kyle Bjerga said...

Dave, I sent you an e-mail accidentally instead of posting, so you will be receiving an e-mail from me. But, i am praying for you guys and trust God will work in this situation and will receive all the glory. I actually just set up my own blog.