Friday, October 28, 2005

Pacemaker Procedure Scheduled

Here is Grace pretending to be talking on the phone telling all of her friends about the upcoming procedure. Needless to say it is a cell phone. Such a 21st century girl!

On Tuesday morning we will be taking Grace in for the lab work, an X-ray, and some other tests as well as consult with the surgeon who will be performing the actual surgery. This begins at 11:00 AM and should take a few hours.

On Wednesday we will go to Children's Hospital in San Diego for the actual procedure. We will arrive at 7:30 AM for prep and the procedure will begin at 9:00 AM. From my experience with Jenn and the C-section last month they will start on time. The placement of the pacemaker should take about 2.5 hours which means Grace should be in recovery about 11:30 AM provided the surgery goes as anticipated.

Following the surgery Grace will stay in the hospital for a day or two before being released. The doctors are confident that the procedure should go fine. The larger concern is for bleeding and infection following the implanting of the pacemaker. There is almost no possibility for Grace needing blood but just to be on the safe side I am going to donate in order to have it on hand in the event it is necessary.

Below is a picture of our conversation with Grace concerning the procedure. As you can see she is taking the entire procedure very seriously and is thinking about the ramifications of having a pacemaker. She isn't too thrilled about having it done either but is glad that we'll be able to get this over with and move on with life.

She and we thank you for your prayers!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Pacemaker Needed

Yesterday Jenn and I took baby Grace to the cardiologist for her one month follow-up to our last appointment. It was unintentionally a long appointment due to the doctor's hectic schedule. We arrived at 12:30 PM and left around 5:15 PM. However, there was nothing eventful at the time.

This morning around 7:30 AM we received a call from the cardiologist himself. He was looking more closely at Grace's EKG and noticed an irregularity that he is concerned about. (Here's the technical information for those with a medical background. She has a long QT interval following her heart beat. This is also known as "repolarization" which is the recovery time after her heart beats. This is something that could cause serious problems down the line if it isn't addressed immediately.)

The doctor believes that because of this (not because of the arrhythmia) Grace needs a pacemaker now. They will probably schedule the procedure for next week (think procedure and not surgery).

Here's the scoop on the procedure: It will take about an hour and a half to two hours. They will make a 1.5 inch incision just below her sternum where they will go in and attach a lead to the lower part of her heart (they are still deciding if they will use the type that attaches to both upper and lower chambers or a simpler type that only attaches to the lower part). She will stay in the hospital for a day or two to recover they she will come home.

The risks for this procedure are minimal but obviously there are always some risks involved. Things then would be "back to normal." We will go back in a week for a wound check, then a month to check the pacemaker then in six months following that and every six months until they put in a different pacemaker several years from now.

How are we responding to all this? Initially well. Obviously it is a little bit disturbing knowing your baby is going to get cut into but we were prepared for this eventuality if the Lord didn't intervene and heal her directly. Obviously we covet you prayers and appreciate your words of encouragement.

I told grace what was going to be happening and this was her response:

She's a trooper!

With Love and appreciation,

Dave, Jenn and Grace

Friday, October 21, 2005

Random Lesson on Marriage

This is a random shot, so what gives? Why did this picture make it onto the blog page? Exactly! Why did this picture make it onto my camera and why did it make it onto my iPhoto on my mac at home? That's what I keep asking myself. But, after a year and a half of marriage Jenn has managed to take pictures of me standing next to bears, buffaloes, a sign that says, "taco farm," next to a giant bottle of milk and every other conceivable thing we happen to walk by when we have a camera.

Why do I do it? Why do I subject myself to the torture and humiliation? Because I am married. There is no more explanation than that. Why do I do a lot of the things that I do now that I wouldn't have done a few years ago? Because I am married.

Please don't misunderstand, I am not saying that in a pejorative sense whatsoever. In fact, what I am saying is quite the opposite. Jennifer gets a kick out of taking pictures with me standing next to random things. If it is odd or bizarre I can guarantee I'll be photographed with it. But in the grand scheme of things that's okay. There are a lot of more difficult things that I could be asked to do than stand by statues of British guards.

I am amazed sometimes at some of the things people tell me. A few months back I was talking to a guy who was considering getting a divorce. I asked him what his complaint was. Now there were several, but one of the issues we talked about for a half hour was the fact that his wife wants to hold his hand and he doesn't like holding hands. He was dead serious. This was a huge issue to him. Personally I couldn't believe it. He was ready to walk away and one of his major complaints is that his wife likes to hold his hand and he doesn't. Give me a break!

I am sure there was more going on than that but this is what he told me was one of the major conflicts. I finally told the guy that he needed to suck it up and be a man. Now that probably wasn't the most pastoral advice I could have given but it was what he needed to hear. Love means that sometimes you do what you might not prefer for the sake of others. Love moves outside of itself in order to show the other person that she is special and valuable to you. You don't like holding hands? Fine, do it anyway. I don't like standing in front of statues but there are worse things in life. And if it brings a smile to Jenn's face, it is worth it.

Husbands are to love their wives like Christ loved the Church (Ephesians 5:25). I think at the very least this means holding her hand if she likes it. Now go over there and stand in front of that stature and let me take a picture.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Yikes! I was just kidding.

Okay everyone who was quick to rebuke or correct me for my latest blog. I really do think Grace looks like both of us. It was more for Jenn's humor than anyone else's because people in the hospital kept giving her a hard time referring to Grace as Mini-Me or talking about the little Mexican baby. I was actually surprised by how many of you sent me personal emails to correct my distorted view of reality. Thank all of you for your firm but loving correction. You can stop now.

On another note, we finally heard from the doctor today about the heart monitor that Grace wore last week (see picture below). Everything came back great and we are fine until our next scheduled appointment on October 20th. We will again have the 24 hour monitor for the day.

For those of you who read this blog page in general I want you to know that I will be posting other things in addition to Grace Reports. Obviously Jenn and Grace are my priorities right now but I also have a lot of other random thoughts rolling around this cranium of mine that will eventually find themselves on this site.

One final thought, I have been overwhelmed by the response to my letter to Grace the night she was born. I actually wrote in on my computer to put in a file for her and only as an afterthought decided to post it on this website. I was very touched by how many people appreciated it. Thank you.

Monday, October 03, 2005

The Bionic Woman

Okay, don't freak out with all the wires. Grace was sent home just like every other newborn baby. After one week we had an appointment with the cardiologist and he wanted her to wear a monitor for 24 hours to see how her heart does over an extended period of time. We will be getting the result back in a day or two. This is part of the ongoing monitoring process. We will have another appointment on October 27th and then regularly from then on. After that we will have an appointment every month or two depending on the need. It could be months or years before she needs a pacemaker. One of our cardiologist's patients went 18 years before getting a pacemaker. She played varsity sports to boot! Keep on praying.

This is a photo of Grace's first trip away from San Diego. Jenn and I took a brief "vacation" to visit her parents in Glendora, CA outside of LA. I put "vacation" in quotes because it is impossible to take a break with a newborn. I am only asking for a full night's sleep. PLEASE! Seriously, hearing her cry is music to my ears (usually).

The final question is, who does she take after? I've heard feedback from both directions. Jenn's parents think she looks like her, everyone else in the world thinks she looks like me. I am not trying to be bias but hey, this is my weblog. Okay, seriously, I can see both of us in Grace but you have to admit there are some resemblances to me (poor girl, maybe she'll grow out of that).

Jenn and I have been doing well. She is almost healed from the C-section. I'd put up pictures to prove it but she would kill me.

I am learning how to take care of a newborn. The nurses were actually surprised that I knew how to change a diaper the first time out when we were at the hospital. I guess that babysitting as a kid paid off. I informed them that I come from a small Mexican family of 8 kids. I have lost track of all my nephews and nieces (but I think it is around 15 or so) not to mention grand-newphews and grand nieces (yeah, I'm that old!).

Things are falling back into a new routine. I think it is going to take weeks before we both get comfortable with our new roles. They keep telling me that eventually she will sleep through the night. In the mean time we wake up every three hours to feed her. Well, Jenn wakes up, I kind of grunt and roll over so the light doesn't get in my eyes. Hey, I'm just kidding. We both get up. Don't tell her parents.

Grace continues to grow at an amazing rate. Keep in mind she was less than five pounds at birth and 4lbs, 12oz when we left the hospital. A week after her birth she was at 5 pounds even and last week she was at 5lbs, 10oz. I'll throw out a guess that she'll be at around 6 1/2lbs at her official due date on October 16th which isn't too bad.

I joke about the bionic woman but she is doing things that she shouldn't be doing yet. I seriously think it was the steroids that Jenn was on for 16 weeks. She lifts her head and turns it to the other side, pushes off with her legs and tries to roll over. It's actually kind of freaky knowing how newborns are supposed to be. It is a little surprising when she lifts her head and tries looking around. She is so small I worry that she will hurt herself (no, I don't think her head is going to fall off). I think these unusual phenomenon will pass in time.

Well, I've gotten myself in enough trouble for now. Next time Jenn willl proof the blog before I post it.