Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Toughest Decision I'll make this Fall!

For months I hoped against hope that Brett Favre would be back playing football this fall. People said it was a case of denial (one of the five stages of grief). They were probably right. Imagine my surprise when I found out that Favre actually did want to play again. Oh, the joy and rapture. But now we have degenerated into this bizarre, dysfunctional drama that is playing out across the country.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a diehard Packer Fan and a rabid Brett Favre fan. In my mind a marriage made in heaven. Now I am having those feelings of vertigo that I had when Jordan came back and played for the Washington Wizards. Baseball I could see but an icon playing for another team?!? The perfect marriage is ending in a bitter, drawn out divorce. What about is kids?

It seems that we have crossed the Rubicon with this. So what are my thoughts? As much as I hate to say it, I understand the stance the Green Bay Packer franchise is taking in the entire ordeal. Favre wanted to come back in March and they were ready to fly out there and work out the details but he backed out. Maybe it was the pressure to stay retired, perhaps it was replays of the errant pass in the championship game in January. (sorry Brett but that was a bad throw.)

Did the Packers force his hand to decide prematurely to retire? Probably but it makes sense from a franchise perspective. Every year the retirement drama got more dragged out. Retirement watch would be put up about a third of the way through each year. It is inevitable that he would retire sometime, isn't it? Whatever the pressure, he made the decision without a gun put to his head and in a teary-eyed interview made his decision known to the world. The state of Wisconsin had a vigil reserved for kings and popes and the rest of the football world shrugged and moved on.

The Packers made the only decision they could make and moved on with Aaron Rodgers and begin rebuilding the team around him. A month before preseason Favre decides to unretire and he wants to force Green Bay's hand. Coupled in the drama is the reality that he may have already struck a deal with arch rival Minnesota (or even the hated Bears)! The Packers are in a no-win situation.

So what should the Green Bay Packers do? Are you kidding?!? Take Favre back, beg his forgiveness and let him start in September! Do you even need to ask the question?

But if that doesn't happen will I continue to root for the Green Bay Packers or continue to follow the career of Brett Favre?

Its the toughest decision I will have to make this fall but here is my answer, I will continue to root for the Green Bay Packers and watch whatever team Favre plays with go to the Super Bowl as Aaron Rodgers recuperates from another season ending injury.

Brett, just stay retired already.