Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Pacemaker Needed

Yesterday Jenn and I took baby Grace to the cardiologist for her one month follow-up to our last appointment. It was unintentionally a long appointment due to the doctor's hectic schedule. We arrived at 12:30 PM and left around 5:15 PM. However, there was nothing eventful at the time.

This morning around 7:30 AM we received a call from the cardiologist himself. He was looking more closely at Grace's EKG and noticed an irregularity that he is concerned about. (Here's the technical information for those with a medical background. She has a long QT interval following her heart beat. This is also known as "repolarization" which is the recovery time after her heart beats. This is something that could cause serious problems down the line if it isn't addressed immediately.)

The doctor believes that because of this (not because of the arrhythmia) Grace needs a pacemaker now. They will probably schedule the procedure for next week (think procedure and not surgery).

Here's the scoop on the procedure: It will take about an hour and a half to two hours. They will make a 1.5 inch incision just below her sternum where they will go in and attach a lead to the lower part of her heart (they are still deciding if they will use the type that attaches to both upper and lower chambers or a simpler type that only attaches to the lower part). She will stay in the hospital for a day or two to recover they she will come home.

The risks for this procedure are minimal but obviously there are always some risks involved. Things then would be "back to normal." We will go back in a week for a wound check, then a month to check the pacemaker then in six months following that and every six months until they put in a different pacemaker several years from now.

How are we responding to all this? Initially well. Obviously it is a little bit disturbing knowing your baby is going to get cut into but we were prepared for this eventuality if the Lord didn't intervene and heal her directly. Obviously we covet you prayers and appreciate your words of encouragement.

I told grace what was going to be happening and this was her response:

She's a trooper!

With Love and appreciation,

Dave, Jenn and Grace


Ben said...

Oh Dave. I can't imagine. I'll pray for you right now, why put it off? "Lord, be with Dave, Jen and Grace as they go through this extremely tough time. Wrap Your loving arms around them, comfort them, and most of all guard Grace as she undergoes this proceedure. Amen." I'll continue to pray as I remember.

Kyle Bjerga said...


I am sure that was not the news you want to post on here, but trust me when I say you are all in my prayers. God did some amazing things with Grace and I am sure he will continue to do so through this time.

Keep me posted.