Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Significant Improvement

Dear friends,

Grace is doing much better the last day or so. They have taken her off all oxygen and she is keeping up her level on her own. They also have taken out the tube that was going to her stomach through her nose. Yesterday they reintroduced food to her and she was tolerating it well. Her digestive tract seems to be working once again.

They had to take out her IV that was in her head and they put a PICC line into her vein. A PICC line is like an IV except it goes through the vein to get close to the heart and it is more durable and long-lasting. It is much better than trying to get a new IV in her every day or two. She is back to her feisty self asserting herself and letting everyone know when she is not happy.

Surprisingly, she has lost almost no weight during this entire process. She is down a few ounces but it could have been much more seeing as she was without food for a few days and was only getting fluids on Friday and Saturday. We don't know when she will be coming home yet but it looks encouraging. She didn't show signs of a bacterial infection in her blood. Although she did have a small bacterial infection it was not as severe as it could have been.

Thank you for your prayers, phone calls and emails of encouragement. God has used you to minister to us during this trying time in our lives.

With Love and Appreciation,

David and Jennifer


Kim Robbins said...

Yay! God is so good! He has truly shown you and Jen His amazing Grace!

We ♥ you!
Kim & Chris

Ben said...

Whew. So, she's out of the woods? I'm so glad, I've been thinking about you guys a lot lately.

Kyle Bjerga said...

I am so happy to hear that Grace is doing better. God is awesome!