Saturday, September 06, 2008

You're Moving Where?!?

Seriously friends, that isn't a misprint or typo! Jenn, the kids and I are moving to Grand Forks, ND.

Okay, now that I have your attention, what in the world is going on?

For the last year Jennifer and I have been praying and seeking the Lord's will for our future in life and ministry. After much consideration we both sensed that it was time to consider if the Lord was leading us in a new direction. With much prayer and godly counsel we began sending our resume out and listening to the various ministry opportunities that might be available for us.

I honestly can't begin to tell you how many different places from around the country that I began to receive contacts from. We heard from here in California to Virginia. We were contacted by churches in Arkansas and Wisconsin, Texas and Washington. But with each one we wanted to make sure that it was a place that would feel like home and that we could use our gifts and abilities to the greatest.

About mid-March I received a call from a gentleman who asked me if I would ever consider ministering in North Dakota. As I talked I quickly did a google search to see where that state was (just kidding I aced geography in 4th grade). I told him that we were open to wherever the Lord would call us. This began a long dialog with a church in Grand Forks, ND called Faith Evangelical Free Church. If you click on the link you will be taken to their webpage for more information.
We had the opportunity to meet with the leadership many times over the phone and in person. During the months the Lord continued to close the doors or lead away from every other opportunity that presented itself. Finally, in August we flew out there to formally candidate for the position. It was a wonderful weekend where we met many gracious people and a great leadership team already in place.

So what's the plan? We will continue our ministry here in El Cajon, CA through October 5, 2008 then we will begin the process of packing up and moving across country. No, we won't be traveling by covered wagon! We are excited about the future and all that God is going to do in our lives and how He will work through us in the years ahead.

Jenn is bracing herself to face the cold winters but with so many warm hearts in the congregation we see the weather as a non-issue (although it's funny how often people from Grand Forks bring it up?!?). Keep looking here for updates and the saga of our moving experiences. It is our hope that we will be able to spend time with many of our family and friends in the weeks leading up to our move so please take the opportunity to give us a call or drop by for a visit.

Well, that's about the biggest bombshell I think I've dropped on the blog page in a while. Thanks for reading this rambling post and I look forward to hearing from you in the days ahead.

With Love,

Dave and Family


Shawn and Sara Bawulski said...

Welcome to the EFCA my friend!

Unknown said...

It is always wonderful to hear how God is leading you. Welcome back to a little closer to Illinois.