Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Baby Grace Update - A quiet week so far

Dear Friends,

So far it has been a quiet week which I have no complaints about. Jenn and I have been going to the doctor every day and the fluid level has been hovering around the 8 cc range which is permissible. Obviously we would like it to be around 11 cc but we will take what we can get. One good turn of events is that Jenn can go to the triage at Mary Birch Hospital at 9:00 AM on Saturday and Sunday rather than 10:00 AM which means she might be able to be back for church on Sundays.

Additionally I had my physical today and they confirmed that yes, I am still alive. Actually things went really well there. My cholesterol was under 175 with the good cholesterol at almost 50. My blood pressure was 110 over 70 and my BMI was at 23. His advice was too keep working out and don't get fat.

Next month is going to be busy for us. We are going to soon be closing on the property, resurfacing the parking lot, putting new shingles on the roof and having a baby. Since I don't have enough to do I am continuing to take Spanish classes at the community college. I'd hate to see what I would score on a stress test! Well, no use complaining.

Continue to pray for us in the weeks ahead. I will keep you posted as things progress. In the mean time we continue to rest in the goodness of the Lord.

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