Friday, October 02, 2009

Weekly Update-October 2, 2009

Dear Friends,

I want to continue to share the good news regarding our pregnancy and the health of Jennifer and our baby. Jennifer continues to be at home on an IV and complete bed rest. We have gone in twice this week for testing and both times all the indicators are that things are fantastic and progressing well. Jennifer will go again this afternoon for testing and I will post an update if anything changes.

I continue to thank you for your prayers. I know that it is God's grace and strength that have sustained us during this harrowing and trying time. For a time there it looked like we would have a severely premature baby with not the best chances of surviving and thriving. Every week the baby remains inside Jenn's womb is one week closer to a healthy baby and a full-term delivery. The doctors are very pleased with the turn-around and in spite of the unusual positive response of Jennifer to IV fluids they are content to keep doing a strategy that works.

If you have any questions or there is some aspect of the pregnancy, Jenn's health or the baby's health please feel free to drop me a line and I'll answer your question. Just to let you know, any posts on this site will go directly to my email address so I can be contacted through the blog page as well as directly.

With love and thanksgiving,


1 comment:

laura said...

Hi Pastor Dave. This is Laura Kv... in east asia.

Just wanted you to know that Matt and I have kept up with you and Jennifer during this pregnancy and are so grateful to hear that she is home and the baby is healthy! Praise the Lord!

We keep a blog too, and I enjoy keeping up with blog friends, so I'll stop by every now and then to hear how you are all doing!