Friday, September 11, 2009

Things Keep Looking Good

I just got today's results from our Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) and the p-r interval. Both look absolutely great! The AFI was at 10.18 cm and the p-r was steady at 117 on all three tests. This is incredibly good news and gives us a lot of hope and confidence that we will carry the baby to term which is better than it was just a few weeks ago when it looked like we might have to deliver incredibly early.

On a discouraging note, Jennifer's grandmother on her mom's side had a stroke yesterday. She is in the hospital and there is a bit of swelling on the brain, she took a hard fall and broke her nose and as of last night weren't able to fully assess the damage. She is 85 years old and in moderately good health otherwise. Please continue to pray.

I was also saddened to hear yesterday that the younger brother of one of my best friends from high school passed away early this week from an undiagnosed heart condition at age 37. My prayers go out to the family at this time as they grieve and if things were different with our situation I would be out there to share this time with them. Life truly is brief.



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