An interesting serious of events has led me to post a blog here. I was listening to some music by Wes King relating to the loss of his child before birth. Ruminating about the possibility that my wife Jennifer and I could possibly lose our first child still in the womb. I wanted to find out what other music Wes has put out since 2001, the last album I have only to find out he is suffering from cancer. The very music that has ministered to me is from someone caught up in his own life or death struggle.
I was directed to a link of his blog and was moved by the things he wrote as he was getting sick and his comments after finding out he had cancer. My initial thoughts of bloggers were that it was emotional voyeurism on the part of the readers or some emotional cathartic activity on the part of the writer. In reality, I am sure that it is on some level but I could also see it used to communicate thoughts to those who are interested in the person or his insights. Granted it is relatively anonymous but others can look in from time to time as well. Perhaps it is easier than a personal website and there is the possibility of greater communication. I guess I won't know until I dive in. Well, I can't guarantee this won't be the first, last and only blog but we'll see. Adios for now.
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