Wednesday, September 09, 2009

No news is good news

Dear Friends,

It has been a few days since my last post. First of all, let me say that things are very stable at the moment even though Jennifer is in the hospital and will remain there for the foreseeable future. We might try to get her back home sometime soon but the unborn baby's safety is our first concern. I'll let you know how that progresses as we continue.

We have gone back to three full tests a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday unless there are problems that develop during one of the tests. Due to the holiday we are doing tests on Tuesday and Friday.

Yesterday's tests results were all great! The p-r interval was between 113-125 (110-140 is normal range), and the Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) was at 8.14-10cm which is also great. 10 is ideal so we are doing fine.

By the way, I am a teacher at heart so I try to make these blogs both informative and educational (gee, I sound like PBS). So if you want to learn more about what is going on or why they are doing what they are doing please read the earlier posts. Also, to find out all the details about the situation we are facing with Jennifer and baby Sophia or to find out how things worked when this happened with Grace you can click on the 2005 May-November posts.

All the other stuff is just my ramblings about life but it might we worth a read if you're bored. Thanks for thinking about us, checking up and most of all for praying. Without the grace and strength of our Lord Jesus Christ we are week, frail and fearful people.



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