Thursday, September 24, 2009

Consistent Stability

Dear Friends,

There isn't really too much to report since last time regarding updates to Jennifer and the baby. The AFI has generally been between 8 and 10 cm which is a good number and the PR interval is steady around 117. There doesn't seem to be any major concerns at the moment which is great. They did a growth study and our little girl was tracking at 29 weeks and 2 days weighing in at around 3lb and 7oz! Our intention is to have a c-section around 37 weeks which would put a tentative delivery date of November 19th, a week before Thanksgiving.

Jennifer remains down in Fargo, 70 miles away from our town of Grand Forks. For those of you who haven't read the previous posts, this is because there are two tests that need to be run that cannot be done at the local hospital, the PR interval checking the speed of communication between the upper and lower chambers of the heart and the AFI which is an Amniotic Fluid Index that they want to be above 8cm ideally at this point in the pregnancy. They do a doppler study on the flow of blood in the cord which is something they are not yet trained to do here in Grand Forks also. One other concern, when this all started they feared a very early delivery for which Fargo had the neonatal intensive care facilities that can handle severely premature babies.

At the rate that Sophia is growing we might not need to pull out the premie clothes if we come close to that 37 week goal. We'll keep you posted. We are meeting with the specialist tomorrow to find out if he wants us to keep this strategy up or try something else. We'd love nothing more than for Jennifer to come home but we don't want to risk it if the stakes are too high. We need reasonable assurances that things will continue to remain stable.


David Monreal

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