I am a student of history and culture but I usually keep my opinions to myself. But in a break from my usual timid, non-opinionated nature I am going to share with you ten predictions for 2008. I know that I am going out on a limb and I want to make it clear that I am neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet but I will share them with you today.
10. We will endure a seemingly endless cycle of presidential ads that will mysteriously and mercifully end on November 4, 2008. (Hopefully)
9. A major catastrophe is going to occur somewhere in the world momentarily united us behind a cause and causing famous, pretty people to raise money that will be misspent by nonprofit organizations.
8. We will continue to be frustrated with the decisions in Washington and Sacramento (feel free to substitute your state capitol here) but will feel powerless to change things.
7. “New” discoveries will occur causing people to question the accuracy of the Bible only to be disproved minutes later to absolutely no fanfare.
6. Most people’s New Year’s resolutions will be but a faint memory by January 13, 2008.
5. Celebrity scandals in Hollywood will make news and once again fascinate us as we buy our groceries.
4. Hollywood will put out movies that will offend and shock people and push a violent, immoral agenda and yet people will continue wonder why we are becoming and increasingly violent, immoral culture.
3. New technology will be unveiled that will make the old stuff you bought in 2007 seem archaic and obsolete.
2. Cost of living will continue to increase causing you to be frustrated and reminisce about the good old days when gas and bread were cheap.
1. You will follow through with your commitment to read your Bible and pray daily resulting in deep spiritual growth and a revival in the church.
Of course much of what I have written was done so with tongue firmly planted in cheek. Almost everything that I wrote will happen without exception and there is not much we can do about it. The one exception is your own commitment to your spiritual growth. What is amazing is that God has given us the means necessary to grow and draw close to Him if we will avail ourselves to them. In this New Year I encourage you to commit to draw near to God in an fresh and deeper way than you may have ever done in your life.
There is much in this world that we will never be able to affect change. Baring divine intervention or the return of Christ the world will continue to move on its present trajectory. However, God has put it within our reach to change the fundamental direction of our hearts and lives by His grace through constant commitment to reading your bible, praying, being in fellowship, worship, serving others and giving. Will you join me today in making a renewed commitment in this New Year that will last beyond a few weeks and will result in a changed life?
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