Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Alexander Jonathan will be here tomorrow!

On Thursday, July 26th we will be delivering Alexander Jonathan at 3:00 PM.

This once again has taken us by surprise. Let me share a little timeline to this moment.

Monday afternoon, 3:30 PM we have three appointments scheduled to determine if Alexander can be delivered on Friday. The doctor decides to move the main one to Wednesday morning at 6:15 so it could be done at the hospital.

Wednesday morning, 6:15. The doctor does the test and the initial results are that we should wait another week but more tests will be done with the amniotic fluid.

Wednesday, 8:00 AM. Things are going fine so they give Jenn her morning shot of blood thinner. Shortly thereafter she has a few contractions due to the amniocentesis and Alexander's heart rate dips momentarily. This happens a few more times within the next few hours. The doctor considers delivering today but Jenn would have to be put under because she received the blood thinner.

Wednesday, 11:00 AM. Jenn is officially admitted to the hospital. We may have the baby today. I run home to grab the camera and her bag that she was getting ready last night.

Wednesday Noon. The doctor reverses course and tells Jenn she can eat and we won't have the baby until Friday.

Wednesday afternoon. The nurses have misinformation from the doctor's office that the c-section is scheduled for tomorrow. Until they clear it up we are not sure if it is Thursday or Friday.

Wednesday evening. The doctor confirms that it is Friday at 7:30 AM and that we are on the schedule. Everything is set (or so we thing!).

Wednesday, 8:00 PM. I had picked Grace up from the sitter, given her dinner and spent the evening with Jenn. I just got home when she called and told me the doctor called her and would prefer to deliver tomorrow. He will check with the schedule and call us back.

Wednesday, 8:30 PM. It is now "official." We are having Alexander Jonathan Monreal at 3:00 PM on Thursday, July 26th. However, he said it could be earlier!!!

Aren't you supposed to know in advance when you are having a c-section? At least the Lord knows!

Lord willing I will post some pictures tomorrow of our new son. Please be in prayer for us as we receive God's gift to us.

One other thing, the first test showed that Alex's lungs were not quite ready, the second test showed that they were slightly underdeveloped but the third and most extensive test showed that his lungs were at 38 weeks maturity. If the third, most specific test, came back negative we would be in a holding pattern with Jenn in the hospital for the duration. At the moment they expect a normal delivery and for Alex to be home in a regular time.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Congratulations on Alexander. He is a beautiful boy. You baptized me 12 years ago as a youth minister at LBC. Please contact me, I could use your guidance once again.
Jeff Stone

ps. post with discretion as I am in the military.