Thursday, September 21, 2006

Forget the spots on my apples, use the DDT

Just a quick note, the World Health Organization (WHO) has finally lifted its 30 year ban on DDT. Was there new evidence that DDT is now safe? No, the evidence has been there for over 30 years. Was there proof that DDT will not kill people? DDT has never been proven harmful to humans. However, tens of millions of people have died from malaria from the 30 year ban of DDT particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.

The banning of DDT was one more case of junk science and politics trumping common sense and the evidence. I wish it weren't the case. I wish we could look back on the evidence and say that we can logically understand the ban. Some have argued that it is better to err on the side of caution if we don't know for sure something is safe. That is a reasonable position. However, there was never conclusive evidence that DDT was anything but safe. However, we knew that malaria would kill people if we didn't find an effective way to combat it. With the removal of DDT from the insecticide arsenal we were left to lesser means such as mosquito netting.

Why comment on something as controversial as the use of DDT? It reminds me that ideas have consequences. We can argue issues like global warming, the use of pesticides, or other "controversial" issues. In the midst of the debate we must remember that there are practical consequences to thousands or millions of people. We need to balance the importance of the environment with the human cost of a contrary decision. Further, it is important to wait until the evidence is in and it is dispassionately evaluated before making policy decisions.

Let me comment on a related issue. Personally I am not convinced of the science of global warming. Partially from practical experience. I grew up in Wisconsin with the constant message that we were on the verge of another ice age and that we would soon be frozen under tons of ice. They also told me that by 1995 we would have to wear SPF 5000 if we wanted to go outside. When you grow up under the fear of impending doom only to hear the opposite arguments later you tend to become a skeptic.

I don't claim to have the answer. What I do know is that it is impossible to let politicians and scientists who are paid by Exxon or the Sierra Club evaluate and interpret the evidence. In any other area of science we would allow an open debate, double blind studies, and other practical steps to remove science from politics. I don't think we will make wise or informed decisions on these important issues until we do. If Global Warming is true we need to do everything in our power to stop it. If it is not true we need to not use fear to promote a political agenda.

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